You have found the right company, At Keep It Up, we are trustworthy, reliable, and friendly, and we will take good care of your move.

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Basic Coverage

(Included with Your Relocation Booking)

Without the need to purchase additional coverage, you already have basic movers protection insurance as part of our standard relocation package. This default coverage ensures that any items lost or damaged during the move will be compensated at a rate of $0.30 per pound per item. For instance, if an item weighing 100 lbs. were to be lost or damaged, Keep It Up Moving would compensate you $30.00 for these damages. 

Restore Coverage

(Best Choice)

If you desire extra coverage beyond the Basic Coverage included with your move, our Restore Coverage is a great choice. This coverage ensures that any damage sustained during the move will be addressed, either by restoring/repairing the item or offering a cash value based on its depreciated value, calculated using a 5 year depreciation range. When selecting this coverage, you must declare the value for your all belongings rather than individual items.

Full Coverage

You can choose to get insured by the third party moving insurance company at